Jeremy Hill (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen) and Michael Schroeder (Computer Science department, Tuebingen University). We interpolated each nan-sample linearly, then downsampled the data to 100 Hz with a smooth falloff from 45 to 50 Hz, then did linear detrending, then performed infomax ICA, then obtained amplitude spectra using Welch's method with 5 overlapping hanning-windowed segments, then performed linear PCA on all the resulting features. We then split the problem up into binary contrasts and trained linear SVMs. For each binary classification, we performed 10-fold CV to find the best regularizer and the optimal number of PCs (PCs were ordered by a ROC-based method). We performed all pairwise contrasts, all one-against-rests, and all contrasts between merged pairs of classes, for a total of 13 output values. These were then decoded to 4 class scores using loss-based decoding. The scores are constant for the entire duration of each trial.