Algorithms Description: 1. Preprocessing Techniques: 1.1 Down-sample the data to 125 Hz; 1.2 Use linear regression to remove EOG artifacts before the subsequent data processing; 1.3 Filter the re-referenced signals in an 8-25Hz band with a causal linear IIR band-pass filter; 1.4 Use a algorithm which based on a recursive channel elimination to select the channels. 2. Designing a ensemble muti-class classifer from 3 two-hierarchy classifier: 2.1 divide the trainset into 3 subsets, each subset containing 24 x 4 trials; 2.2 Doing Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) for feature extration; 2.3 Design the first hierarchy two-against-two classifer by Support Vertor Machine (SVM); 2.4 Design two second hierarchy SVMs as one-against-one classifers. 3. Combine the classification outputs from 3 two-hierarchy classifiers by a voting strategy. 4. Down-sample the continuous classification outputs from 125Hz to 5 Hz. Consequently, there are 37 outputs in a single trial. Result Data Format: Results for the nine subjects are saved in nine Matlab-format files, prelabel_A0X. Each file contains the continuous classification outputs for the whole dataset. Its size is 288*37 for all subjects, where 288 is the number of trials for a subject and 37 is the number of time points within a trial. Names and Affiliations: SONG Wei [1] EMAIL TO: WU Jin [2] EMAIL TO: ZHANG Jiacai [1] EMAIL TO: [1]. College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal Unviersity [2]. National Key Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal Unviersity