Data Set 2b Group information: Names: Team member:Ping Yang, Lei xu( Team director: Dezhong Yao Affiliations: The Perception-Motor Interaction Lab, School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Predicted labels: (listed as follow) Label of test data of data sets 2b: (each sample with a label) the estimated labels of 9 subjects contained in data sets 2b.rar For example: ˇ°label_test_for_B0104.matˇ±, ˇ°label_test_for_B0105.matˇ±for subject B01 Processing technique: 1) Preprocessing: Artifact removed (using Regression analysis),cut to segments for training procedure. 2)Calculating Bandpower(BP) features in 75 frequency bands for each channnel(6-33Hz) 3)Using rfe perform a classification step for feature selection(retain 6 features,the algorithm see in Spider software) 4) Classification with BLDA(Bayesian Linear discriminate analysis ) sources: competition.m(load raw data ,outpout label_test.mat)